Getting turned down for a loan isn’t the end of the world, but it can be frustrating. You can resolve any problems you may be having that would affect your credit and prevent you fromRead more
Bruce Stenslie May 10th was a red letter day as EDC-VC joined local officials, First 5 Ventura County and Gus and Alma Ferrel, owners of ABC Kids Preschool, to cut the ribbon at the grand openingRead more
65392838 – sba loan application form with a pen on a desk with an approved stamp Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are available for businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations.Read more
Hot Section Technologies (HST) has been in the business of aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul for over 30 years. Its experts provide airframe maintenance, repair and overhaul services for regional and turboprop aircraft manufactured byRead more
Chris Meissner Carmen Ramirez Peter Zierhut Chris Meissner, president and CEO, Meissner Filtration Products was installed as 2018 chair of the Economic Development Collaborative-Ventura County’s board of directors at the organization’s 21st Annual Meeting. HeRead more
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