Bruce Stenslie
Bruce Stenslie has 30 years of experience in workforce and economic development and has served since 2007 as President and CEO of the Economic Development Collaborative (EDC).Prior to joining EDC, Stenslie served as Deputy Director for the California Workforce Association, Workforce Policy Director for the City of Los Angeles, Assistant Director of the Ventura County Human Services Agency and Executive Director of the Workforce Investment Board. In 2013 Stenslie was elected as Chair of the California Association for Local Economic Development. Stenslie is a Governor’s appointee to the California Workforce Development Board and serves in leadership positions for several state and local organizations, including the California Stewardship Network, California Statewide Certified Development Corporation, California Small Manufacturers Health and Welfare Trust, First 5 Ventura County, Ventura County P-20 Council and the Workforce Development Board of Ventura County.