Financial Projections Made Easy
If you don’t feel confident forecasting your business’ finances, regardless of how long you’ve run your company, this workshop is the answer. It is especially useful for start-ups that don’t have a financial history. Financial Projections Made Easy explains the specific steps to complete the entire forecasting process, focusing on the user-friendly template created by SCORE LA to help determine the financial viability of your business. This workshop shows how to determine and manage the month-by-month cash flow and provides attendees with examples of financial projections tailored to their own companies. Attendees are shown how to calculate the amount of cash they need to run their companies. A SCORE LA webinar.
The Marketing Checklist for Overwhelmed and Overthinking Entrepreneurs
There are two reasons that the business of “working on your small business” rarely gets done. The first is that you are overwhelmed because you’re responsible for everything. Even if you can delegate, you still must check the work and make sure it’s done correctly. That takes a toll. The other half of that equation is when you do get into action to improve your business, you are shown dozens of options. This causes you to overthink your decisions. In this webinar, SCORE will look at ways you can solve these problems in your business with easy-to-implement solutions. Everyone who attends gets a copy of the best-seller: The Marketing Checklist 4: Your Guide for Overwhelmed And Overthinking Entrepreneurs. A SCORE webinar.