Café con Exito
Conecta, colabora y aprende con WEV. Únase con WEV una vez al mes (con su bebida matutina favorita) para conectarse, colaborar y aprender de otros emprendedores y emprendedoras. Reuniéndose cada cuarto viernes del mes de 9:00 am a 10:00 am, usted tendrá la oportunidad de compartir, escuchar y apoyarse mutuamente para lograr las metas de su negocio. Un seminario web de WEV.
Online Reputation Management: Yelp, Google, & Online Review Sites
A good online reputation is essential for a business to thrive. When a business is able to uphold a positive online reputation, good things such as professional image, increasing sales, and even attracting great talent for future recruitment is likely to follow. Learn the best advice and tips for businesses to follow in order to successfully monitor and uphold a positive online reputation. An EDC SBDC webinar.