Vivian Vázquez is the Workforce and Economic Strategies Senior Associate. In this position, she manages the upskilling initiatives at the EDC, with the goal of supporting workers and jobseekers in Ventura County to access high quality jobs. Prior to joining the EDC, she conducted evaluations of workforce development programs and applied labor research at the Aspen Institute. Vivian is passionate about advocating for marginalized workers by creating opportunities and removing barriers to economic success. She completed her B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, where she researched the working conditions of immigrant workers at the Worker Institute. She is currently completing her Master of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. Vivian holds an appointment as a graduate researcher at UC Berkeley’s Labor Center. In her free time, you can find her baking anything with chocolate, reading self-help books or hiking.
805.372.1308 vivian@edcollaborative.comNext Staff Ray Bowman