Supporting our county’s future and the next generation’s education and career success starts with quality preschool programs. Historically, Ventura County has had too few licensed commercial child care and preschool spaces to meet demand. The Economic Development Collaborative and First 5 Ventura County are committed to building more child care and early childhood education capacity in our community through the Child Care Investment Loan Fund.
The Ventura County Office of Education and Child Care Planning Council has documented that Ventura County is as many as 50,000 childcare slots short. Only 36 percent of children ages 0-14 whose parents are in the workforce have access to a licensed child care space. Further, studies find that children who are most likely to benefit from a high-quality preschool program are least likely to attend.
Not only do these programs help children grow socially, emotionally and academically, they also support local businesses and our economy. Quality child care spaces support working parents, enhance business recruitment and retention, create local stable jobs and creates a thriving community that spends fewer dollars on expensive remedial and social service programs. As we increase our investment in our children’s educational and career success, we produce higher academic achievers and better prepared adults for our society.
For-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations, school districts, public entities, employers, and private developers may take advantage of this below-market funding and no-cost high quality business advising for the development of commercial child care and preschool spaces.
The following activities related to a commercial child care or preschool facility in Ventura County.
To download our loan fund flyer, Click Here.
Questions? Contact the EDC Loan Program at or 805.409.9497.
In partnership with First 5 of Ventura County.
El apoyo al futuro de nuestro condado y al éxito educativo y profesional de la próxima generación comienza con programas de cuidado infantil y preescolar de calidad. Como una inversión a largo plazo en los niños y la economía de la región, el Colaborativo de Desarrollo Económico y Primeros 5 Condado de Ventura se han unido para crear un programa de inversión para construir más capacidad de educación de la primera infancia. El Fondo de Préstamos para la Inversión en Guarderías financia a bajo interés el desarrollo de espacios de cuidado infantil y preescolar con licencia para los niños del Condado de Ventura.
Las siguientes actividades relacionadas con una guardería comercial o preescolar en el condado de Ventura:
Para descargar el folleto de nuestro fondo de préstamos, Haga Clic Aquí.
¿Preguntas? Contacto con el Programa de Préstamos de la EDC en o llamar al 805.409.9497.
En colaboración con Primeros 5 Condado de Ventura.