The Cost of Living Index published by the Council for Community and Economic Research is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the President’s Council of Economic Advisors and Brookings Institution. The index contains a cost comparison for six primary categories: food, housing, utilities, transportation, healthcare, and miscellaneous goods and services. It uses over 60 goods and services collected at the local level from over 300 independent researchers.
The average for all participating places is 100. A ranking of less than 100 is increasing in affordability, while incremental increases above 100 reflect a higher cost of living comparably.
This metric represents a broad index of quality of life in Ventura County.
Ventura County is comparable to Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties in terms of the cost of housing, transportation, and utilities. That said, Ventura County ranks better than L.A., Orange, and San Diego Counties in affordability in sum.
133.2 Ventura County ranks 7th out of 10 comparative California Counties
Source: Economic Modeling Inc., EMSI