Also called “Current Total Earnings”, this is the total pre-tax industry earnings for a region divided by number of jobs. Includes wages, salaries, supplements (additional employee benefits), and proprietor income.
This metric portrays the average income earned from labor across all occupations in the county.
$66,029 (2018)
Ventura County ranks 14th out of 58 counties for highest average annual earnings. Tracking the average earnings for Ventura County is important when considering affordability. The ability to maintain and attract human capital for both middle-skilled trade occupations and upper echelon management and professional occupations is essential to the health of Ventura’s economy. Akin to most of California and the nation, Ventura County has been losing high wage jobs over the past decade due to increasing automation and off-shoring production, while concurrently increasing the county’s share of lower wage service sector occupations. Understanding the progression of earnings may assist with determining strategic investment in other areas pertaining to quality of life that will create better balance in the region.