Economic Development Collaborative Assists CA Manufacturers Impacted by COVID-19
The Economic Development Collaborative will work with CMTC’s California’s Manufacturing Network to assist California manufacturers survive, recover, and thrive throughout the ongoing pandemic and beyond.
CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) is pleased to announce a partnership with CMTC’s California’s Manufacturing Network to provide direct support to manufacturers negatively impacted by COVID-19.
With the pandemic dramatically redefining the landscape for California manufacturers, the EDC will work with CMTC and other members of the Network to help businesses survive, recover, and thrive as they navigate through the challenges brought on by the crisis.
“We recognize that manufacturers in our community are in need of support and we want to ensure they have access to the services and programs they need to sustain their operations now and in the future,” said EDC President and CEO Bruce Stenslie.
The EDC is providing resources and services at no cost to businesses such as: assistance locating sources of capital and local/state incentives; permitting and site selection assistance; information regarding workforce development programs; and technical assistance through California’s Manufacturers Accelerator program. The goal is to meet with manufacturers throughout the region to identify and understand their specific needs, challenges, opportunities, and provide them with assistance for recovery and growth.
“This partnership between the EDC and CMTC is enormously important for the region’s economic recovery, as Ventura and Santa Barbara County’s manufacturing, including biotech and related sectors, comprises more than 20 percent of the region’s economy,” stated Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin. “Strengthening the region’s manufacturing supports our highest paying jobs and brings wealth back to the entire community through its sales of high value products across the globe.”
Funding from the CARES Act Stimulus Package 2020 is supporting this effort to reach manufacturing companies who are facing challenges in the current economic climate. Ventura and Santa Barbara County businesses interested in learning more about how to access program benefits are encouraged to contact the EDC Small Business Development Center at 805.409.9159.
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact the EDC’s local media liaison, Lexie Smith, at Lexie@theprbarinc.com.
About the Economic Development Collaborative
A private nonprofit, the Economic Development Collaborative was founded in 1996 with funding from the County of Ventura, the 10 cities in the county and key private-sector companies to provide a pathway to business growth, economic prosperity and high quality of life for all.
Today, in partnership with the Small Business Development Center, the EDC is a regional asset for economic vitality in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties, giving businesses, community partners and civic leaders the resources they need to succeed. By leveraging public and private funds, the EDC has become a key player in delivering business consulting, funding and strategic initiatives that support the region.
About CMTC and California’s Manufacturing Network (CMN)
Established in 1992, California’s Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) is a private non-profit corporation that provides consulting services to small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) throughout the state of California. CMTC operates as part of a National Network through a cooperative agreement between the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the Department of Commerce for the State of California. In 2018, CMTC formed California’s Manufacturing Network (CMN) to expand capabilities and capacity to efficiently serve more manufacturers in California. This Network delivers services that address the regional challenges driven by a diverse manufacturing community. The Network is a collaboration of more than 25 partners focused on serving SMMs in rural and urban areas statewide. CMN has increased the number of SMMs served to more than 1,300 companies annually, which adds significant economic impact for manufacturers and the public good of the State of California.
About the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funding
COVID-19 recovery and resilience services funding is made possible by the NIST MEP National Emergency Assistance Program through funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Pub.L. 116–136).
To learn more about the EDC visit edcollaborative.com.