Business permits are government-issued licenses that allow businesses to operate legally within a given jurisdiction. It establishes a business as a separate legal entity and is mandatorily required before any business is conducted within a city, regardless of where your business is physically located. Depending on the type of business you plan to operate, you may need multiple business licenses and permits.
Information Needed While Applying for a Business License in Ventura County
To get a business license in Ventura County, you need to provide the following information:
- The legal name of the business and the business owner(s)
- Email address, date of birth, driver’s license number, and contact information (including phone number and home address) of the business owner(s)
- The physical location of the business along with its mailing address and phone number
- Type of ownership (LLC, corporation, partnership, trust, or single owner)
- Type of business to be operated (such as alcohol sales, home business, entertainment, etc.)
How to Apply for a Business License?
The following are the steps that you need to take while applying for a business license in Ventura County:
- Determine your business name.
- Obtain a Fictitious Business Name (FBN), if necessary, and advertise the FBN in a local newspaper.
- Determine your business entity (if any).
- Contact the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for information on whether your business will need to file sales and use taxes. Apply for a seller’s permit if your business will be reselling the merchandise.
- Research additional local and state taxes that may be applicable to your business.
- Enroll with Stormwater Industrial General Permits, if necessary.
- Apply for a business license with the city or unincorporated area of the county that your business will be located in.
City, County, and State Regulations Related to Business Permits and Licenses:
You need a business license before you undertake any business activity within the city’s jurisdiction. Whether you have a license issued by another city or your business is situated outside the city limits, you need to pay this annual tax before any enterprise, establishment, business, occupation, or profession is carried out within the city.
If you do business using a fictitious name, you should file your Fictitious Business Name Statement with the County Clerk’s Office.
Health Permits
If your business involves any of the following- public pools/spas, retail food sales, body piercing, tattooing, permanent cosmetics, underground fuel tanks, hazardous waste, medical waste, trash trucks, composite facilities, or landfills, you need the appropriate permits from the County Environmental Health Division.
County Regulatory Business License
If your business is located in Ventura County’s unincorporated areas and your business activity is regulated by the Sheriff, you will have to contact the County Sheriff’s Office to find out if you need a County Regulatory Business License.
County Business Tax Certificate
All professions, trades, vocations, occupations, establishments, businesses, and enterprises conducted in Ventura County’s unincorporated areas must have a County Business Tax Certificate.
California Seller’s Permit
If you lease or sell tangible property, you need a California seller’s permit. To get the permit, you should either apply in person or online with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.
Looking for more information on how to determine the permits and licenses your business needs? Review our Ventura County Permit and License Guide in English and Spanish. All this information can be overwhelming, but you can access local resources that will help you navigate the processes. To learn more about business licensure requirements in Ventura County, contact Economic Development Collaborative today. Conveniently located in Camarillo, California, we’re here to help.